• craftyorganic@gmail.com
  • Austin, TX

Tip: Cilantro & Parsley Storage

This is a great tip and I have been doing it for years.  Trim the ends off the parsley and cilantro and put in a small vase or big coffee cup filled 3/4 of the way with water.  Store in refrigerator.  The herbs will last for weeks this way.  Seriously.  Check the water levels and change out the water at least once a […]

Go Raw Super Cookies

I’m obsessed with these little cookies.  My kids love them (as do I) and they are so healthy.  They are 100% Organic with simple whole ingredients.  They are raw, gluten free, nut free, non-GMO and really, really tasty! Our favorite flavors are Carrot Cake and Lemon Here’s a link to purchase them on Amazon: