• craftyorganic@gmail.com
  • Austin, TX

Headband Holder – 5 Minute Project

My girls decided to give themselves haircuts this week.  My husband was watching them and said they were being so good… so quiet.  They walked out and showed him their new hair and he figured out why I always run to check on them screaming “it’s too quiet, what are they doing”.  He thinks me crazy no more.  Needless to […]

Tip: Chicken Stock Storage

I make some kind of bone broth every week.  I usually roast a whole chicken and let my crockpot do the work on the stock for 24-48 hours.  Normally I store the broth in quart sized freezer bags.  Recently a friend of mine suggested using silicone cupcake molds instead and I thought it was brilliant.  These little silicone cupcake molds hold 1/4 cup […]

Lego Organization Project

This was a fun project my son and I worked on to help organize his lego guys.  I love this because it serves as a great organization piece but it is also a very cool looking piece of art!   It was fairly inexpensive (around $50) but it did take longer than expected because I had to order the 2×2 […]